The Ultimate Fantasy Football Draft Kit (3)

Sometimes you realize you’re in a struggle you can not win. Like trying to persuade politicians to tell the truth, or the policeman that you simply didn’t run that stop sign, or that the designated hitter is a horrible thought.

I don’t know what’s happened to Costa del Gol – maybe someone took away his beach ball or something – however he is now balls. 15,000 dullards have sought match to bring him in, in a bid to win most unimaginative transfer since they put in Aguero and Sigurdsson pre-season. This is what freakonomists seek advice from as presteige pricing – i.e. individuals pay by the nostril for costly bollocks because it’s costly, in spite of the truth that it’s bollocks. You don’t all the time get what you pay for. Save the dubloons and do a correct improve elsewhere. Or switch him in and watch me overtake you want … Read more